Star Born by Ann O’Bannon

Darlene Oakley of Kemptville, Ontario recommends Starborn by Ann O’Bannon
Ann OBannon - Star Born
Name of publisher: Lachesis

Genre: Futuristic Romance

About the book:

Starborn is book 2 of this futuristic romance series. Book 1 will be released as an ebook Fall 2009. David is an “astronaut” of the future as the human race is still mastering space travel. Through an amazing cosmic twist, Zara, a Shimuran from another galaxy lands in the Milky Way and finds David. Book 2 happens when David and Zara arrive on earth. Not everyone is excited about this new spacial contact. As the romance between David and Zara develops and the relationship between Earth and Shimura is revealed, tensions mount between those that want to embrace this new race and those that like their “earth” the way it is.

How did you find out about the book?

Ann O’Bannon is a friend of mine. I’ve read book one and book two.

What did you like about it?

I love Ann’s imagination. Ann has created an entirely new race of beings, their language, their technology, and weaves an intriguing story about Earth’s possible connection to this world in another part of the galaxy.


Who do you think would most benefit from reading this book?

Those that enjoy a little romance thrown in with their sci-fi. Those that enjoy exploring new galaxies and planets and discovering new and fascinating aliens. Appropriate for an audience over 18.

Where can others find it?

Orders can be placed through Lachesis Publishing  or Amazon and Barnes and Noble


Thanks for the recommendation, Darlene! I’ve never read sci-fi books although I used to watch Star Trek – The Next Generation.



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